Essence of Breema

Essence of Breema: 30 May, 2023
Colorful mountain scape at sunset.

The body is a concept, because it’s temporary. We look at it as though it’s separated from its original nature, which is the life force itself. When we understand the relationship between the body and the life force, we’ve learned everything we really need to learn about health. When we understand...

From Coming to Yourself: The Art of Practicing Breema
Essence of Breema: 2 May, 2023
Canopy of an elder tree providing cover to pond and its visitors.

There is a tradition that says that everyone and everything that comes in contact with you, or to your field of attention, has come for one purpose only—to ask you to wish for their well-being, to ask you to have well-wishing for them. This is not so easy, but with practice it is possible. If we...

From Your Home Is the Entire Cosmos: The Wisdom of Breema
Essence of Breema: 4 April, 2023
Colorful sky changing over wetlands at sunrise.

Existence is always present, and you know that. You don’t need to check. A thousand times you’ve looked at the sky and seen the sun. When you’re not looking at the sky, you still know the sun exists. It doesn’t disappear just because you’re occupied with the shadows on the ground. All you have to do...

From Your Home Is the Entire Cosmos: The Wisdom of Breema
Essence of Breema: 21 March, 2023
Lone tree blossoming amidst spring blossoms.

Our conditioned mind is like fog. It can’t hold when the sun shines. If your question to yourself is “How do I make my life meaningful?”—add “in this moment.” When you ask, “How do I make my life meaningful in this moment?” your question has meaning and value. You are only responsible for this...

From Your Home Is the Entire Cosmos: The Wisdom of Breema