Alexandra Johnson, MD

Profile image for Alexandra Johnson, MD
Breema Center staff
Breema Clinic practitioner
Certified Breema Practitioner
Certified Self-Breema Instructor
Certified Breema Instructor

The Breema Clinic
6201 Florio St
Oakland, CA 94618
United States

I am a Family Physician, and have been a Breema Practitioner and Instructor for over 20 years. I have found Breema's non-judgmental atmosphere to be invaluable in working with any health condition. I am consistently amazed at the effect of Breema bodywork, Self-Breema exercises, and Nine Principles of Harmony in increasing vitality, addressing acute concerns, and offering new templates for relating to body, mind, and feelings. I began working as a Practitioner at the Breema Clinic in 2002, and since 2017 have offered Breema bodywork at the Clinic in conjunction with Integrative Family Medicine. I instruct Breema workshops for doctors, healers and other groups internationally. I have clinic hours at the Breema Clinic in Oakland and Hummingbird Valley Retreat Center in Santa Cruz, California.

If you would like to book an appointment at the Breema Clinic, please use the above link.

Blogs by Alexandra Johnson

Quiet the Mind with Breema ~ October 21, 2021
Reconnecting with Yourself ~ October 7, 2020
Everything Serves a Purpose ~ September 23, 2020
Self-Breema in Daily Life ~ April 21, 2020
Entering Into Health ~ October 16, 2019
Body-Mind Connection Anchors You ~ June 28, 2019
Supporting Harmony in Relationships  ~ May 3, 2019
A Practical Approach to Advice in Parenting ~ March 6, 2019
Experiencing Body Comfortable in the Moment ~ July 6, 2018
Bringing Health Into Perspective ~ May 9, 2018
Benefitting from Daily Distractions ~ April 10, 2018
Approaching Life as a Beginner ~ March 14, 2018
Self-Care in Parenting ~ February 21, 2018
Mutual Support in Childbirth ~ February 7, 2018
True Health Is Harmony with Existence ~ January 20, 2018

Upcoming event map

  1. Barcelona Breema Intensive 2025

    Harmonious Life

    Calle Lluça, 13 Les Corts
    08028 Barcelona Barcelona

  2. Weekend Workshop in Florissant, Colorado

    Lake Elemental

    Florissant, CO 80816
    United States

  3. Be in Charge of This Moment

    Hummingbird Valley

    1690 Glen Canyon Road
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060
    United States

  4. Harmonizing Our Relationship to Life - Self-Breema Workshop

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  5. Harmonizing Our Relationship to Life - Self-Breema Workshop

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  6. Becoming Yourself in this Moment - Breema Workshop

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  7. Bringing Harmony to Life - Breema Bodywork

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  8. Your Relationship with Yourself

    Hummingbird Valley

    1690 Glen Canyon Road
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060
    United States

  9. Meeting Life as it Comes

    Hummingbird Valley

    1690 Glen Canyon Road
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060
    United States

  10. Looking with New Eyes - Bodywork, Exercises and Principles for Daily Life

    Hummingbird Valley

    1690 Glen Canyon Road
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060
    United States

  11. Looking with New Eyes - Bodywork, Exercises and Principles for Daily Life

    Hummingbird Valley

    1690 Glen Canyon Road
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060
    United States

  12. Looking with New Eyes - Bodywork, Exercises and Principles for Daily Life

    Hummingbird Valley

    1690 Glen Canyon Road
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060
    United States

  13. Looking with New Eyes - Bodywork, Exercises and Principles for Daily Life

    Hummingbird Valley

    1690 Glen Canyon Road
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060
    United States

  14. Alexandra Johnson, MD

    The Breema Clinic
    6201 Florio St
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

    Upcoming events

    Articles by Alexandra Johnson, MD