Breema supports the body’s vitality, increases the availability of the mind, and nurtures our true feelings. The movements range from energetic and playful to calm and relaxing. Practicing Breema provides a way to balance whatever state we find ourselves in. The practice can help us overcome lethargy by increasing our energy, or relieve stress by releasing tension.
On a more essential level, as our body, mind, and feelings work together with the aim of participating fully in the movements, we may experience a deep sense of being present, a new way of relating to ourselves and everything around us, and a glimpse of the potential and purpose of being human.
This workshop is especially suited to those who have little or no prior experience with Breema (though everyone can benefit). In a nurturing, nonjudgmental atmosphere, we will practice simple Breema bodywork sequences, cover all the basic elements, and discover how to work with the Nine Principles of Harmony while giving and receiving. We will also look at incorporating Breema into our busy lives, and extending the benefit of giving and receiving into our everyday activities.
- If you are new to the Breema Center, your first class is free.
- $20/ class for International Breema Week in-person classes (Certified Practitioners half price)
$50 for all three (Saturday, Monday, Wednesday) (Certified Practitioners half price) - Open to all levels
For more information or to register in person, call 510-428-0937 or email center@breema.com
Please wear comfortable long pants and socks. No fragrances, please. We follow current California State and Alameda County COVID guidelines.
Participate in International Breema Week: A New Posture Towards Life
Find a full list of online, in-person, and international events here:
Inspirations and Interviews for each day:
Find inspiration, a Self-Breema video, and an interview with Breema Instructors speaking about how the practice of Breema supports their daily lives. To receive daily inspirations by email, signup here:
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