This online event begins at 10:00am PST, 1:00pm EST, 19:00 CET, 20:00 IST.
Each class is a unique opportunity to apply and experience Breema's Nine Principles of Harmony and become more present. Practicing Self-Breema is both nurturing and energizing, and supports physical flexibility and vitality, mental clarity, and emotional balance.
Anna Holtenstam
Ulf Bräutigam
Ulf Bräutigam lives near Örebro in Sweden. He studied Breema in Oakland, CA and has taught Breema since 2009.
Minna Linnove-Pulakka
Birthe Kaarsholm
Birthe Kaarsholm RSMT, CMT is a staff instructor at the Breema Center in Oakland, California where she has taught and practiced Breema since year 2000. She is a Registered Somatic movement therapist and a certified Body-Mind Centering® practitioner and Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst®. With a life-long interest in working with the body, including physical theater, Body-Mind Centering and movement therapy, Breema’s approach to seeing the body as a vehicle to raise our level of...