Monday, 9 September 2024 5:00pm - 7:00pm
  • Central European Summer Time
  • UTC +02:00
  • Europe/Vienna

Fully Participating in Life - Monthly Breema Class

Golden-tailed hummingbird in flight
Integrating Breema into Everyday Life
Instructors: Nadine Kerbl and Bernhard Kerbl

Breema im Alltag 
Einmal im Monat bieten wir die Möglichkeit in einem kleineren Rahmen Breema kennenzulernen oder weiter zu vertiefen. Wir wollen uns gegenseitig unterstützen Breema in unseren Alltag zu integrieren.
Für die Teilnahme sind keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig.

Breema in Everyday Life
Once a month we offer the possibility to exchange and experience breema and breema-bodywork in a smaller circle. We will support each other to integrate Breema into Everyday Life. 
Open to all levels.

2024: september 9th, october 14th, november 4th, december 9th  
2025: january 27th, february 17th, march 17th

Kontakt und Anmeldung:
Information and registration: 

Nadine Kerbl
+43 664 1215703

Transfer credit hours


Nadine Kerbl

Nadine Kerbl, M.Sc., Psychotherapist( Integrativ Gestalt Therapy and Body Psychotherapy), ongoing Breema practice since 2010.