This online event begins at 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST, 18:00 CET, 19:00 IST.
When your mind becomes connected to the body, you find yourself in the correct position in your life—in the heart. In the heart, you exist. In the mind, you are dispersed. In the body, you can be present, you can be organized. The way of the heart is also the way of connectedness, because the heart, by nature, brings everything into unity. The mind diversifies, the heart unifies.
The aim of working with the principles of Breema is to come to a level of consciousness in which we know we are not separate from the life that surrounds us, and to see that everything that happens is part of the process of Existence manifesting.
This online class provides an opportunity to develop our own Self-Breema practice to cultivate a more calm, receptive, and clear mind, so that we can use our mind intentionally and be present. As body, mind, and feelings unite in a common aim, we nurture our connection to the heart and deepen our understanding of the Nine Principles of Harmony. Practicing Self-Breema shows us that, regardless of the outer circumstances of life, we can find a wealth of vitality, balance, and harmony within ourselves.
When we calm the mind and are open we can receive Consciousness. Then, in the heart, we know the truth of our own existence.
Join us to explore this rich topic.
Christine Hunt
Asha Jenny Ulrich
Asha Jenny has been practicing and teaching Breema in the Pacific Northwest US since 2000. She has spent her life serving community and bringing peace, love, joy, and laughter into every aspect of her livelihood. Besides inviting Breema's Nine Principles of Harmony into her ongoing online and in-person Breema practice, she finds ways of supporting all her engagements with the graciousness of her presence including Dances for World Peace, healing groups, Oregon Duck games, playing with her cats...
Patrick Connors
Luna Lacey
Be ordinary. When you are ordinary, you are not separate from anything that’s happening—not from the room, the carpet, the street noise—anything. You don’t need any particular wish for the recipient or for yourself for that moment, other than to simply know you have a body. You don’t need to be spiritual, or to connect to some special energy field. When you are ordinary, you are free to move, to hold, to lean—to do Breema simply and without extra.
From Real Health Means Harmony with...