Fecha: Sábado, 11 de enero 2025
Hora: 18:00 Mini-sesiones 18:30 Clase de Autobreema y Breema (hay de reservar plaza)
Nuevas ubicación: Calle Lluça 13, 08028 Barcelona
Este evento hace parte de una actividade global en que abrimos puertas para dar a conocer y experienciar el increíble efecto que tiene Breema en equilibrar mente, cuerpo y sentimientos con herramientas sencillas y prácticas.
Es necesario reservar plaza.
Venid con ropa cómoda y calcetines.
Felipe Willhelm de Oliveira
Felipe Willhelm de Oliveira is co-founder of Harmonious Life Center in Barcelona. He met Breema in 1998 in Brazil. In 2000 he became a Breema Practitioner and in 2001 a Breema Instructor. Since then is very active working with clients and teaching Breema in Europe and South America. He also helps organize one of the three European Intensives (Barcelona Breema Intensive, since 2009). The direction of Self-Understanding and being present doing Self-Breema and Breema and to bring that to daily...
Salena Irion
Salena Gissola Schenatto Irion holds university degrees in Physical Therapy and Dance.
Co-director of Centro Harmonious Life in Barcelona, she works with Breema, Gyrotonic, Physical Therapy and Pilates.
A Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor, she currently teaches Breema extensively in Europe, the U.S. and South America.
"Salena’s love is to be present with clients and students and experience what is needed in each moment to support people to connect with their body-mind...