All fear and insecurity come from taking ourselves to be separate from life. Breema posits the interconnectedness of everything that exists and teaches us how to enter this unity by unifying ourselves. When we are present, we do not experience separation between ourselves and Existence but rather a taste of what life really is. Gradually but steadily, those tastes dissolve our belief in separateness and replace it with an unwavering confidence in our True Nature.
All classes include Breema bodywork, Self-Breema, Body-centered meditation, and the Nine Principles of Harmony. Our direction is to support body-mind connection and to introduce perspectives that facilitate letting go of fear and experiencing inner strength, balance, and harmony. No prior experience is necessary.
Wear comfortable long pants and socks. No fragrances. CEs available for massage therapists and bodywork professionals. Hours can be applied to the Breema Center's Practitioner Certificate Program.
Classes will be held at The 5th Element in Lambertville, New Jersey
Classes are Mondays from 7:00–9:00pm
This series is seasonal, including the following classes:
March 17, 2025 - June 9, 2025
For more information and registration:
$450 for Full Series or $40 for Individual classes
For more information, contact Matthew at 267.864.8608 or matthew@the5thelement.org.
To register, Venmo (@matthew-5thelement) or PayPal (matthew@the5thelement.org). For cash or check payments, please contact Matthew directly.
Matthew Tousignant
Matthew Tousignant, M.A., CMT holds degrees from Harvard University and the California Institute of Integral Studies. A Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor, he currently teaches Breema extensively in the U.S. and Europe. Matthew’s body-centered therapeutic work, based out of Lambertville, New Jersey, combines the universal wisdom of Breema with a practical knowledge of psychology to connect others to their unique potential as human beings.
“In the session, I represent acceptance...