Sunday, 27 April 2025 9:30am - 5:00pm
  • Central European Summer Time
  • UTC +02:00
  • Europe/Stockholm

Breema Workshop in Stockholm, Sweden

Salena & Alexandra
Breema: The Art of Being Present

Breema – The Art of Being Present 

Breema is a body-centered holistic approach to becoming present where connection to the body is a vehicle that connects us to our deeper nature. It uses floor-based bodywork, movement exercises, and the Nine Principles of Harmony to unify body, mind, and feelings and raise our level of consciousness.

The aim of Breema and Self-Breema is to bring the experience of presence to our daily life. When we are present, we enjoy a more open-hearted and balanced relationship with ourselves, others, and all life. Each exercise provides and opportunity to develop and experiential relationship to the Nine Principles of Harmony:
Body Comfortable, Full Participation, Single Moment/Single Activity, No Hurry/No Pause, No Force, Mutual Support, Firmness and Gentleness, No Extra, No Judgment

Breema exercises can be powerful catalysts for living a more harmonious life, reminding us that we can come to balance and presence within ourselves by nurturing aliveness and simplicity at any given moment.

All exercises are practiced in comfortable clothing, sitting, standing and lying on the floor

This workshop is a wonderful opportunity for movement enthusiasts, bodyworkers, dancers, and anyone interested in a practical way to move towards real heath, vitality, and a more meaningful life. 

Date & Time:

Sunday, April 27, 2024: 9:30-12:30 & 14:00-17:00


Full workshop: 750 SEK (early payment by April 20);  after that date 850 SEK
Partial attendance available. Single classes 450 SEK


Anna Holtenstam
+46/ 73-953 98 80 (works  also for Swish payment)
Bankgiro för Body-Mind Connection: 5302-2463

For more details contact:

Anna Holtenstam 





Birthe Kaarsholm

Breema Center staff
Breema Clinic practitioner


Birthe Kaarsholm RSMT, CMT is a staff instructor at the Breema Center in Oakland, California where she has taught and practiced Breema since year 2000. She is a Registered Somatic movement therapist and a certified Body-Mind Centering® practitioner and Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst®. With a life-long interest in working with the body, including physical theater, Body-Mind Centering and movement therapy, Breema’s approach to seeing the body as a vehicle to raise our level of...

Anna Holtenstam

I started learning Breema in 1999 and became a practitioner in 2004. I’m interested in movement and in using the body as an aid to being present and raising my level of consciousness. Breema supports me in this. I also work with Qigong, Tai Chi, Taktil massage and Reconnective Healing.