New students, practitioners, and instructors come to our intensives to learn and practice Breema and benefit from Breema’s experiential approach to living harmoniously. The Art of Being Present is the central theme. Each intensive is organized to support and maximize our understanding through experiences of being present.
Every intensive is unique, and in each one, different Breema sequences and Self-Breema exercises are highlighted. Every intensive presents an in-depth exploration of the Nine Principles of Harmony, which are the pillars of Breema’s comprehensive philosophy. Students of all levels work together in an atmosphere of Mutual Support to increase their understanding of and their proficiency in all aspects of Breema.
Intensives offer an immersive experience of all aspects of Breema, often enabling transformative assimilation of the material presented.
Because Breema’s principles can be integrated and applied in any profession and in all activities of daily life, our intensives attract a group of students with diverse interests including health, movement, relationships, and spirituality, to name a few.
Our intensives are led by a team of seasoned instructors, including Jon Schreiber, the Director of the Breema Center, and Breema Center Staff Instructors.
As I looked around the classroom at many others ranging in age from their twenties through their seventies, I saw that I had expected my classmates to be massage therapists and personal trainers. During later conversations, I found out that I had partnered with a carpenter, a technical writer, an artist, a physician, even a San Francisco tour guide. Here was a group of people who were there for their own self-understanding, with an interest not only in the health of the physical body, but also in practical support for living daily life in harmony with oneself and one's environment.
We offer six Intensives a year, three at the Breema Center and three in Europe.