The first principle of Breema is Body Comfortable.
Take a few breaths, and experience that your body is breathing, and that your body has weight. Almost immediately you can experience the refreshment of becoming available to yourself and to your immediate situation.
Real comfort is a dimension of Consciousness where everything is working in harmony with our Timeless nature.
Receiving Breema, you can have a taste of being more yourself. You get a hint of what it means to be natural, to be connected. Of course, you’re going to lose it. But you know you had that taste. Then, during the day, you can do one Self-Breema exercise, you can work with one of the Nine Principles, to come closer to that taste again. Because in the moment you have a taste of being present, you are free from the mind, free from past and future, and therefore free from your suffering.
When you sit down to tie your shoes, or to eat, you have a chance to register that your body is sitting, breathing, and has weight. When you reach to pick up the phone, to turn a doorknob, or to lift a glass of water, you can practice Body Comfortable, or any of the other principles.
You don’t have to force your body to be comfortable. In fact, Body Comfortable means accepting the condition of the body as it is. Through acceptance of the body and its condition, you may discover that you are not this body.
You can also download a "Body Comfortable" poster here.