Arlie Mischeaux

Profile image for Arlie Mischeaux
Breema Center staff
Breema Clinic practitioner
Certified Breema Practitioner
Certified Self-Breema Instructor
Certified Breema Instructor

Oakland, CA 94610
United States

Arlie began receiving Breema bodywork sessions in 1994 and soon after became a Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor. Since then, she has dedicated her efforts to teaching and reaching more people with the essential, transformative method that Breema offers, via classes, workshops, and private sessions. Over the years, she has studied and traveled with a keen interest in expanding her experience and understanding of many traditional healing methods with native peoples, shamans, medicine women and men, and healers from the United States, Mexico, Peru, Canada, India, Spain, and Croatia, always exploring and nurturing her wish to help people and bring more “light” into their lives.

Arlie offers a unique blend of bodywork, massage, and shamanic energy work with the support of Breema’s principles and philosophy. Each session is tailored to your specific needs and is ever-evolving, rich, and nurturing.

Arlie comenzó a recibir sesiones de trabajo corporal de Breema en 1994 y poco después se convirtió en instructora y practicante certificada de Breema. Desde entonces, ha dedicado sus esfuerzos a enseñar y llegar a más personas con el método esencial y transformador que ofrece Breema, a través de clases, talleres y sesiones privadas.

A lo largo de los años, ha estudiado y viajado con un gran interés en ampliar su experiencia y comprensión de muchos métodos de curación tradicionales con pueblos nativos, chamanes, curanderos y curanderos de los Estados Unidos, México, Perú, Canadá, India, España, y Croacia, siempre explorando y alimentando su deseo de ayudar a las personas y traer más "luz" a sus vidas.


Blogs by Arlie Mischeaux

Transforming Loss with Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony ~ March 24, 2022

Healing by Increasing Vitality ~ May 19, 2020 

Incrementado la Vitalidad para Sanar (Healing by Increasing Vitality)

Upcoming event map

  1. Transforming Loss and Grief - Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  2. Transforming Loss and Grief - Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  3. Transforming Loss and Grief - Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  4. Transforming Loss and Grief - Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  5. Transforming Loss and Grief - Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  6. Transforming Loss and Grief - Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  7. Transforming Loss and Grief - Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  8. Transforming Loss and Grief - Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  9. Transforming Loss and Grief - Self-Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  10. In the Quiet Mind Is a Nurturing Heart - Self-Breema Class

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  11. Breema at Breitenbush Weekend Retreat

    Breitenbush Hot Springs

    53000 Breitenbush Hot Springs
    Detroit, OR 97342
    United States

  12. In the Quiet Mind Is a Nurturing Heart - Self-Breema Class

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  13. In the Quiet Mind Is a Nurturing Heart - Self-Breema Class

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  14. In the Quiet Mind Is a Nurturing Heart - Self-Breema Class

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  15. In the Quiet Mind Is a Nurturing Heart - Self-Breema Class

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  16. In the Present, Everything Supports You - Introduction to the Nine Principles

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  17. In the Present, Everything Supports You - Introduction to the Nine Principles

    The Breema Center

    6076 Claremont Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94618
    United States

  18. Arlie Mischeaux

    Oakland, CA 94610
    United States

    Upcoming events