Friday, 19 May 2023 7:00pm - Saturday, 20 May 2023 5:00pm
  • Pacific Daylight Time
  • UTC -07:00
  • America/Los_Angeles

Portland Breema Workshop

Columbia River - Portland Oregon
Presence Through Movement and Touch

Breema is based on a profound understanding of the principles that govern the entire universe and everything in it. Learn and practice simple Breema partner sequences and Self-Breema exercises that introduce us to an entirely new and different way of moving and relating, and provide access to new dimensions of physical, mental, and emotional health and balance. Integrating the Nine Principles of Harmony into our practice throughout the weekend gives us an opportunity to benefit from the activities of daily life. Beginners are welcome.

More Information

Free Experience Breema Evening Friday, May 19
Workshop Saturday, May 20
  • 9:30am–12:30pm & 2:00pm–5:00pm 
  • $125 ($100 if paid by 5/5/23) 
  • 8 CEUs available for massage practitioners and bodyworkers
  • For information or to register call Steve 541-914-4162 or email


Arlie Mischeaux

Breema Center staff
Breema Clinic practitioner

Arlie began receiving Breema bodywork sessions in 1994 and soon after became a Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor. Since then, she has dedicated her efforts to teaching and reaching more people with the essential, transformative method that Breema offers, via classes, workshops, and private sessions. Over the years, she has studied and traveled with a keen interest in expanding her experience and understanding of many traditional healing methods with native peoples, shamans, medicine...

Steve Brodsky

Steve has been a health and wellness practitioner for the past 20 years. Practicing and teaching Breema, yoga, massage, and nutritional wellness, he offers practical and inspirational guidance to maintain physical well-being, to enhance mental clarity, and to explore meaning and connection in one's life. Steve maintains a regular teaching schedule that includes online Self-Breema classes, one day workshops, weekend courses, and retreats in the Pacific Northwest and California. 

Blogs by Steve


Luna Lacey

Breema Center staff

Be ordinary. When you are ordinary, you are not separate from anything that’s happening—not from the room, the carpet, the street noise—anything. You don’t need any particular wish for the recipient or for yourself for that moment, other than to simply know you have a body. You don’t need to be spiritual, or to connect to some special energy field. When you are ordinary, you are free to move, to hold, to lean—to do Breema simply and without extra. 

From Real Health Means Harmony with...