Tuesday, 26 August 2025 10:00am - Saturday, 30 August 2025 6:00pm
  • Central European Summer Time
  • UTC +02:00
  • Europe/Vienna

Europäisches Intensivseminar in Graz 2025

Felipe de Oliveira practicing Breema bodywork with receptive student
Instructors: Jon Schreiber and Aron Saltiel

mit Jon Schreiber, Leiter des Breema Center in Oakland, Kalifornien, sowie anderen Lehrern aus Europa und den USA        


26. - 30. August 2025 Intensivseminar*
täglich 10:00 - 13:00 und 15:00 – 18:00 h


€ 570 inkl. 20% USt
10% Ermässigung bei Anmeldung vor dem 15. Juli 2025

Anmeldung und Info:

Breema-Seminare, Aron Saltiel
Telefon: +43 650 2255 906
E-Mail: a.saltiel@gmx.at

* Die Teilnahme am Intensivseminar ist für den Practitioner-Lehrgang in Europa anrechenbar.

European Intensive in Graz 2025

Dates and Schedule:

Tuesday August 26 - Saturday 30, 2025
Daily 10 AM - 1 PM and 3 - 6 PM

€ 540 (incl. 20% VAT)
10% discount for early bookers (registered and paid by July 15, 2025.)

Breema Bodywork and Self-Breema Exercises
The bodywork and exercises are done fully clothed on a soft carpet. We recommend wearing very comfortable clothing.

German/English translation provided.

A Breema Intensive is a unique opportunity to enter into Breema’s practical approach to life—a chance to experience a new way of moving, thinking, and feeling, in harmony with universal principles. 

What happens in a Breema class? 
In an accepting, nurturing, and alive atmosphere, you learn and practice Self-Breema exercises and Breema bodywork. Both are ideal ways to become familiar with Breema’s Nine Principles of Harmony. There is also an opportunity for discussion and questions.

How can I use what I learn once the course is over?
By working with body-mind connection in the bodywork and Self-Breema® exercises, we become more and more familiar with the taste of presence. The practical tools and principles of Breema® can be integrated and applied in any profession and in all activities of daily life. The art of being present can be practiced and experienced everywhere, and helps us bring greater harmony to all our relationships.

For further information about the intensive and for registration, please contact:

Aron Saltiel
Phone: +43 650 2255 906
E-mail: a.saltiel@gmx.at


Jon Schreiber

Director of the Breema Center and Breema Clinic

Jon Schreiber, D. C., director of the Breema Center and Breema Clinic in Oakland, California, has been teaching Breema in the U.S. and internationally since 1980. He has presented Breema at medical, psychology, bodywork, exercise, holistic health, and personal growth conferences. His numerous articles and books focus on the universal and practical philosophy of Breema. In his clinical practice, Dr. Schreiber uses Breema, Self-Breema, and the Nine Principles of Harmony to help patients discover...

Aron Saltiel

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