Friday, 27 June 2025 6:30pm - Sunday, 29 June 2025 1:30pm
  • Eastern Daylight Time
  • UTC -04:00
  • America/New_York

10th Annual Breema Weekend in Millersburg, Ohio

Laura Rawson practicing Breema Bodywork
The Heart Opens in The Moment
Instructors: David Pratt and Laura Rawson

Yes - after a long hiatus, our annual Breema Retreat is back! This will officially be our 10th Breema Retreat weekend, and we are so happy to offer this rich and joyful experience.

The atmosphere of a Breema Retreat, supported by the principles of No Judgment and Mutual Support, is deeply nourishing and revitalizing. Learn and practice simple Breema bodywork sequences and Self-Breema exercises that introduce us to an entirely new and different way of moving and relating, and provide access to new dimensions of physical, mental, and emotional health and balance. Our emphasis is on exploring and gaining first-hand experience of the Nine Principles of Harmony, which can be applied in any activity or situation to help us discover a receptive mind, supportive feelings, and a more vital body.

More Information

  • Need Help To Register/Pay:  Please take both steps: First, go to Our Store (or click the "registration link" at the top of the page) to see the packaged options and pay. Second, go to our registration page and submit the short form you find there. You can also pay by check if you prefer. Just let us know if that is your preference.
  • Treatments: 20-Minute Treatments can be scheduled during the weekend. Cost is $30/20 minutes and you can schedule by emailing

Dates and Prices

  • Friday:: 6:30 - 8:00 pm  •  no charge
  • Saturday: 9:30 am - 13:30 pm and 2:00 - 5:00 pm
  • Sunday: 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Plus Additional Self-Breema Class Saturday, June 26
  • 8:00 - 8:45 AM
  • $180 for whole weekend; $110 for Saturday-only
  • $60 per 3 hr. segment/$70 per 4 hr. segment. (Attend all 3 days or select certain sections.)

Continuing Education

  • 10 CE hours for LMTs

Accommodations and Meals


Transfer credit hours