Breema PNW

Upcoming Open Houses to be announced.

Experience complimentary Breema bodywork mini sessions and Self-Breema Exercises during our Open House for International Breema Week!

Drop-ins are welcome.

In just a few minutes, you can receive a mini-session to calm the mind, balance the emotions, and relax the body. Several Certified Breema Practitioners (all with over 20 years experience) will be available to 

give sessions and answer questions.We will also include a few 15 minute Self-Breema classes so that you can practice a few exercises for nurturing yourself.

Please be fragrance free, bring clean socks and wear comfortable (flexible) clothing.

Call Steve for more information and for more details about  parking. (541) 914-4162.



44.0737871, -123.1182887

Upcoming events