Ashland, OR 97520
United States
Tom Jacobson, PA, MPAS, family medicine and additions specialist, has facilitated meditation, mindful stress reduction, and now Breema for many years. Meditation, mindfulness, and Breema are the practice of being present. They are a truly holistic approach to health and life. In Breema, a holistic approach that is characterized by experiencing ourselves intimately inseparable of the whole body, mind, and feelings. Simply breathe with attention, be receptive of the inhaling & exhaling, and register the activity of the body with the mind. Breath begins within you - less of thought.
The non-judgmental experience of being present offers an opportunity for harmony that can cleanse, balance, and energize. With Breema, move yourself in the direction of physical flexibility, emotional harmony, and mental clarity. Regardless of where you are now, if you are looking to polish your purpose, meaning, and joy, Breema is here for you. When you look with conscious energy, you take a new impression.
Breema is alive in the Pacific Northwest Community from Seattle to Portland to Eugene to Ashland and in-between. Let's get together and practice Being present through in-person body-centered meditation, self-Breema exercises, and Breema bodywork and weekly with the online Pacific Northwest Zoom Group. Find info on local or worldwide offerings, search for events at www.breema.com.
Gratitude for all that is, Tom
Upcoming event map
Breema at Breitenbush Weekend Retreat
Breitenbush Hot Springs
53000 Breitenbush Hot Springs
Detroit, OR 97342
United StatesTom Jacobson
Ashland, OR 97520
United States