Breema bodywork, Self-Breema exercises, and the Nine Principles of Harmony offer a practical and accessible way to take step after step towards a more harmonious relationship—with yourself, with the people around you, and with life as a whole. In this workshop, you will learn treatments and exercises that can become lifelong friends and allies. Whether it’s your first exposure to Breema or you come as part of the Practitioner Certification Program, you will have the opportunity to discover or deepen your connection to a new and meaningful way of moving and relating that can enrich every aspect of your personal and professional life.
$40 if paid by Jan 7, $50 thereafter.
For more information please contact the Breema Center: 510-428-0937 or center@breema.com
Please wear comfortable long pants and socks. No fragrances, please. We will follow all current COVID guidelines.
3 CE hours available for massage therapists and bodyworkers, nurses, LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs. $10 fee for processing .
Jon Schreiber
Jon Schreiber, D. C., director of the Breema Center and Breema Clinic in Oakland, California, has been teaching Breema in the U.S. and internationally since 1980. He has presented Breema at medical, psychology, bodywork, exercise, holistic health, and personal growth conferences. His numerous articles and books focus on the universal and practical philosophy of Breema. In his clinical practice, Dr. Schreiber uses Breema, Self-Breema, and the Nine Principles of Harmony to help patients discover...
Alexandra Johnson, MD
I am a Family Physician, and have been a Breema Practitioner and Instructor for over 20 years. I have found Breema's non-judgmental atmosphere to be invaluable in working with any health condition. I am consistently amazed at the effect of Breema bodywork, Self-Breema exercises, and Nine Principles of Harmony in increasing vitality, addressing acute concerns, and offering new templates for relating to body, mind, and feelings. I began working as a Practitioner at the Breema Clinic in 2002, and...
Alexis Mulhauser
Alexis Mulhauser has 20 years of experience studying and teaching movement, including Breema, Yoga, martial arts, and dance. She is a Breema Instructor and Self-Breema Instructor at the Breema Center in Oakland, CA, and Certified Massage Therapist. Alexis also teaches dance in Berkeley and gives private bodywork sessions at the Breema Clinic and Worthy Self-Care Studio in Berkeley. By applying Breema and the 9 Principles of Harmony in her professional path as a movement educator, Alexis has...