This online event begins at 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST, 18:00 CET, 19:00 IST.
Existence Expresses Itself
The knowing that I have a body becomes the practitioner’s center of balance and vitality. This body-mind connection is not achieved through concentration, but by returning again and again to the experience of your body’s weight, breath, and comfort. When you have this knowledge, you can do Breema simply, with the joy of fully participating in your body’s activity.
By staying with body-mind connection, you may come to the knowledge that there is a body. In this deeper connection, body, mind, and feelings working together bring even more fullness into your participation, while it remains simple and natural, without any “extra.”
The Nine Principles of Harmony, when expressed through practicing Breema and Self-Breema, can help you let go of the deeply held tension, thoughts, and reactions that you associate with how you think you are, and receive a taste of how to be. When Full Participation or any of the other principles are alive, your Being is participating. You are able to accept any tension, thoughts, or reactions, and they no longer keep you from living life in harmony with Existence.
This class is part of International Breema Week 2023
More than ever before, we need to meet life from a foundation of body-mind connection. Then we can move in the direction of actualizing our natural potential to support harmony in our relationship to ourselves, to others, and to all life.
For nine days, we will explore the practice of Self-Breema as a catalyst for greater Self-understanding and more ability to support life around us. Join us in experiencing Breema’s practical approach that can balance body, mind, and feelings, nurture your relationships, and bring more meaning to your life.
Participate in International Breema Week
Find a full list of online, in-person, and international events here:
Daily Inspiration and Self-Breema Videos
To support the practice of Breema in daily life, participants can sign up to receive an inspiration and Self-Breema video via email each day.
New Student?
If this is your first time doing Self-Breema online, find helpful tips and guides prior to attending your first online class. To minimize any technological difficulties, please be sure you are using the latest version of Zoom. Need help with Zoom? Click
Schedule of Events
For more information and to register for in-person events, click on the link for the event below.
ALL TIMES ARE IN PST–Pacific Standard Time.
Saturday, January 7
9:00–9:45am Existence Expresses Itself — Online Class
10:00-12:00pm Introduction to Breema Bodywork — In-person Class at Hummingbird Valley, Santa Cruz
10:30-1:00pm Come Home to the Present — In-person Workshop at the Breema Center, Oakland
11:00–11:45am All Doors Are Open to the Open Heart— Online Class
9:00–10:00am Connecting to the Bigger Picture — Online Class
7:00–8:30pm Breema: The Art of Being Present — In-person Class at the Breema Center
9:00–9:30am Moving in Harmony with Existence — Online Class
7:00-7:50pm Being in This Moment — Online Class
7:00–8:30pm Breema: The Art of Being Present — In-person Class at the Breema Center
9:00–9:30am Real Health in Every Moment— Online Class
9:00–9:45am In the Present, Everything Supports You — Online Class
10:00–10:45am Being with the Body, We Are Supported— Online Class
9:00–9:30am Moving in Harmony with Existence — Online Class
9:00–9:45am Existence Expresses Itself — Online Class
9:30–5:00pm Breema Weekend Workshop at the Breema Center — In-person Workshop
9:00–9:45am IBW Special Workshop: Harmonizing Our Relationship with Life — Online Class
10:00–10:45am IBW Special Workshop: Transforming Loss & Grief — Online Class
11:00–11:45am IBW Special Workshop: The Heart Opens in the Moment — Online Class
9:30–5:00pm Breema Weekend Workshop at the Breema Center — In-person Workshop