This online event begins at 7:00pm PST, 10:00pm EST, 4:00 CET (following day), 5:00 IST (following day).
Being in This Moment - Self-Breema Class
Through practicing Self-Breema exercises and Breema’s Nine Principles of Harmony, we can develop the capacity to meet both life's challenges and joys with presence and harmony. Working with connection to the body supports us to make Breema’s philosophy practical and ultimately allows us to experience the taste of being present in any situation in life.
The class will include Self-Breema exercises as well as discussion and questions about applying this practical philosophy in the activities and interactions of our day.
Breema for Real Health and Well-Being - International Breema Week 2025
Discover a natural way of moving, touching, and relating based on the Nine Principles of Harmony.
For nine days, we will explore the practice of Self-Breema as a catalyst for greater Self-understanding and more ability to support life around us. Join us in experiencing Breema's practical approach that can balance body, mind, and feelings, nurture your relationships, and bring more meaning to your life.
For for information about International Breema Week and all the classes offered around the world, visit:
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New Student?
If this is your first time doing Self-Breema online, find helpful tips and guides prior to attending your first online class. To minimize any technological difficulties, please be sure you are using the latest version of Zoom. Need help with Zoom? Click breema.com/zoomhelp