This online event begins at 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST, 18:00 CET, 19:00 IST.
Transforming Loss and Grief Online Workshop
Nearly all of us experience loss at some point in our life. At those times, we especially need clear perspectives and practical support. The shock and grief that often accompany our most difficult experiences can be transformed into energy we can use to increase our understanding of life and prepare ourselves to deal harmoniously with future events.
Using Self-Breema exercises and Breema's Nine Universal Principles of Harmony, we will present and practice simple, time-tested ways to reduce and release physical tension, balance our emotions, and clear our mind. All of Breema’s Nine Principles of Harmony can guide us from the complexity and feeling of separation that often accompanies loss in the direction of acceptance and being present. In this online class, you will be able to benefit from the tangible atmosphere of acceptance and mutual support which characterizes Breema.
You are welcome to contact Arlie Mischeaux (arliemischeaux@gmail.com) prior to enrolling if you would like more information about the classes.
(If you are in the process of new or profound grieving, please seek out professional help. This class is not meant to replace such assistance and does not take responsibility for that professional guidance and care.)
This online workshop is part of International Breema Week:
Open Up to Life
More than ever before, we need to meet life from a foundation of body-mind connection. Then we can move in the direction of actualizing our natural potential to support harmony in our relationship to ourselves, to others, and to all life.
For nine days, we will explore the practice of Self-Breema as a catalyst for greater Self-understanding and more ability to support life around us. Join us in experiencing Breema's practical approach that can balance body, mind, and feelings, nurture your relationships, and bring more meaning to your life.
For for information about International Breema Week and all the classes offered around the world, visit:
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New Student?
If this is your first time doing Self-Breema online, find helpful tips and guides prior to attending your first online class. To minimize any technological difficulties, please be sure you are using the latest version of Zoom. Need help with Zoom? Click breema.com/zoomhelp