Experience Breema

Discover Breema Summer 2021

Support to be present, calm, and available at home, work, or anywhere. Practicing Self-Breema exercises, receiving Breema bodywork, or bringing the Nine Priniciples of Harmony to your activities can cut through stress, tension, and fatigue, and supply you with fresh energy. You find yourself saying “yes” and participating more wholeheartedly in any activity of life.

Our students benefit from a way of teaching that emphasizes both practical experience and the integration of Breema principles into daily life. In addition to training students who wish to receive a Practitioner Certificate, an important objective of the Breema Center is to serve those students whose goal is personal enrichment rather than career enhancement.


Felipe de Oliveira doing a Breema bodywork session

Upcoming Breema Classes, Workshops and Intensives Around the World

Breema classes, workshops, weekend retreats, as well as Intensives happen around the world throughout the year. The Breema Center offers three Intensives a year as well as monthly weekend workshops and ongoing weekly classes at the Breema Center in Oakland, California. 


Participate in an Online Self-Breema class or Special Online Workshop

The Breema Center offers several Special Online Workshops on a monthly, seasonal, and annual basis as well as ongoing weekly online classes. All online classes offered by the Breema Center are free of charge. Special Online Workshops include a topic that serves as the direction of the class combined with Self-Breema exercises and a class discussion. 


The Practical Philosophy of Breema

Breema is a teaching of the heart, an expression of the unifying principle of Existence. Its purpose is to create harmony and balance between your mind, feelings, and body, and in your relationship to yourself, to others, and to all life.

Library at Hummingbird Valley


Breema Certification:

The Breema Practitioner Certificate Program is a wonderful way to add perspective and depth to any professional practice, and is also a great support for anyone who would like to bring more meaning and harmony to their interactions and relationships. The Breema Center is responsible for Practitioner and Instructor Certification worldwide. It is also approved to offer various forms of continuing education (CE) credits.


To Attend A Class or Receive a Session in Your Region: 

The Breema Clinic
Greeting Health Retreats
Calendar of Events Around the World
Find an Instructor in your area
Find a Practitioner in your area


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The Breema Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that has been helping students actualize Breema's practical approach to Self-understanding and purposeful living since 1980. People all over the world are discovering how Breema can help them bring greater harmony, presence, and meaning to their lives.