As International Breema Week continues, we are delighted to offer this opportunity to experience mini Breema bodywork sessions in the nourishing atmosphere of this health fair, in the wonderful Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon!
Karin "Pip" Kiteley
I began studying Breema in 1995, in conjunction with my studies as a Barefoot Shiatsu bodyworker. Breema is at the core of my professional work (I am also a licensed massage therapist), and supports my daily activities for a more harmonious and conscious experience of life. I am eternally grateful for the 9 Principles as guiding tools to navigate and understand existence. Breema's philosophy and practical application supports me to connect to the meaning and purpose of my life, in which I find...
Tom Jacobson
Tom Jacobson, PA, MPAS, family medicine and additions specialist, has facilitated meditation, mindful stress reduction, and now Breema for many years. Meditation, mindfulness, and Breema are the practice of being present. They are a truly holistic approach to health and life. In Breema, a holistic approach that is characterized by experiencing ourselves intimately inseparable of the whole body, mind, and feelings. Simply breathe with attention, be receptive of the inhaling & exhaling, and...