Wednesday, 21 February 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm
  • Pacific Standard Time
  • UTC -08:00
  • America/Los_Angeles

Meeting Life with an Open Heart - Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony

Breema Bodywork and Self-Breema

It is possible to find inner calm, balance and connection even during the busiest times of life. Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony support us to harmonize body, mind, and feelings, and offer ways to relate to yourself, to others, and to all of life with an open heart. This experiential class will offer Self-Breema exercises, Breema bodywork exchanges and simple, effective tools for bringing more harmony into daily life.

This class is participatory and experiential. We will practice a variety of somatic movement and partner bodywork exercises that nurture connection between body, mind, and feelings, and open possibilities to process events in a new way that strengthens our capacity to assimilate, heal, and live fully and vibrantly.

$20/ class


Alexandra Johnson, MD

Breema Center staff
Breema Clinic practitioner

I am a Family Physician, and have been a Breema Practitioner and Instructor for over 20 years. I have found Breema's non-judgmental atmosphere to be invaluable in working with any health condition. I am consistently amazed at the effect of Breema bodywork, Self-Breema exercises, and Nine Principles of Harmony in increasing vitality, addressing acute concerns, and offering new templates for relating to body, mind, and feelings. I began working as a Practitioner at the Breema Clinic in 2002, and...

Kevin Johnson

Kevin has been studying Breema for over 20 years.  He was drawn to Breema by its simplicity.  Since he began to practice Breema, he has found himself on a path of self-understanding.  This practice is not only for the classroom, but something he uses in his everyday life.  All he has to do is remember.  The more Breema he has in his body, the easier it is to remember.

