This online event begins at 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST, 18:00 CET, 19:00 IST.
Self-Breema is a body-centered, holistic approach to becoming present where connection to the body is a vehicle that connects us to our deeper nature. When body, mind, and feelings work in unity, we become available to a “taste of being present”—a simple and direct experience in the moment free from associative thoughts, reactive feelings, sensations, and concerns of past and future.
The aim of Breema and Self-Breema is to bring that experience of presence to our daily life. The natural, non-judgmental approach to using the body introduces us to a unique quality of movement and touch that supports physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional balance in any activity we do, opening us up to the possibility of becoming present.
Self-Breema exercises can be powerful catalysts for living a more harmonious life, reminding us that we can come to balance and presence within ourselves by nurturing aliveness and simplicity at any given moment.
For for information about International Breema Week and all the classes offered around the world, visit:
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